King Of Pop

22 Feb

Michael Jackson was one of the best, super talented Artists in the world. He was also a beautiful person from inside and outside. I am a huge fan of MICHAEL JACKSON, my love still remains for him. One of my dreams was to meet him but I couldn’t make that dream come true. If I can talk to his soul, I defineatly do it.

I love his every songs. They are all amazing! Some songs have a good meaning. Rock my World, Human Nature, Billie Jean, Beat it are some of my favourite songs of Michael. Can’t stop listening to them. I love his dancing! He was super! I love his every moves. He had his own style. It was amazing, impressive! I appreciate his talent. I think He was truly dedicated to his music career. He was a successful Artist. I appreciate his work. R.I.P Michael! I love you forever!

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